عنوان هذا الشهر: كتاب خواطر من زقاق الفلكسواجن 

عنوان هذا الشهر: كتاب خواطر من زقاق الفلكسواجن 

 لكاتبه د. محمود أبكر سليمان 


إهداء كتاب خواطر من زقاق الفلكسواجن – بقلم الكاتب د. محمود أبكر سليمان

أهدي هذه الخواطر الى عمال المطبعة، الذين يصفون في هذه اللحظة حروفها رغم أنهم يعرفون أن الكتاب لن يحمل أسماءهم. كما تنضاح الإهداء إلى ميكانيكية السيارات المتجولين الكادحين فى شوارع المدن بما فيها العاصمة الخرطوم و الإهداء مقدم لأصحاب السيارات القديمة التى أكل الدهر عليها و شرب و عفا عليها الزمن مقدماً لهم النصح أن يختاروا الحرفي المقتدر فى تصليح السيارات وتفادى مدعى المهارة الميكانيكية الذى يتصيد زبائنه فى قارعة الطريق الزقاق من دون أن يكون لديه مقر ثابت كما أحاول فى هذه السانحة أن أخاطب إدارات المجالس المحلية فى مدن و أرياف السودان أن يظهروا بعضاً من ” التقمص العاطفي” و الرحمة تجاه الباعة المتجولين المجهولين و سيدات “ستات الشاى” الذين دفعهم/دفعتهن ظروف الفقر و الحرمان و إهمال الدولة للظروف الحياتية التى يعيشون فيها هم/ هن جرياً وراء ما يسد الرمق لأسرهم دونما ضوضاء كسواهم من المحرومين و مسلوبى الحقوق أو الذين يعيشون ويموتون بصمت. و أهدى هذا العمل المتواضع مساهمة منى من دون مَنِّ و لا أذى إلى الذين يكتبون الكتب كلها بدون أن أتوقع تواقيعاتهم بالثناء ، وإلى كل الذين لهم الحق أن يشملهم الإهداء و لم أذكرهم لأنى لم أتذكرهم  فأتحمل منهم العتبى حتى يرضوا.

كانت لى فى تسعينات القرن الماضى سيَّارة أو عربية – كما يسميها السودنيون-  فلكسواجن ماركة القولف “ل”   حمراء فاقعة اللون تدخل الغبطة و السرور فى نفوس المشاهدين ذات أبواب خمسة حدباء الظهر –- Hatch Back معمِّرة لأنى قد إشتريتها بمبلغ ألف و ثمانمائة  و خمسة و خمسين جنيه إسترليني. 


Ibrahim El-Salahi – An All Rounder – at Tate Modern London

Ibrahim El-Salahi – An All Rounder – at Tate Modern London
By Osama Mahmoud


The BBC as an institution does invest heavily in culture programs, which explore art and artists of most genres. One of those vehicles is The Culture Show. At a particular night, 23rd of July 2013 to be specific, the focus of the program was about art in Africa, a very broad topic, which was put into prospective by focusing on modern art. The chosen artists were of different genre, yet are closely related in their visions. Almost connected telepathically, well most artists are, according to the average person.

Ibrahim Elsalahi, the Sudanese visionary artist and Meschac Gaba, the Beninese artist were the focal points of the Tate Modern advert campaign between July to September 2013. The Culture Show was a great introduction to the artists’ mindset, and a good guide to what to expect from visiting their respective exhibitions in London.

Crossing to the promise land…

It was Ramadan of 2013. Amid the summer season, a beautiful sunny day was encouraging to take a short journey to the gallery. The Tate Modern resides on the south bank of the river Thames. The closest tube station was Blackfriars. It is a twenty minutes stroll from the station to the gallery. As the venue was getting closer and closer, the advertising banners started to appear on both side the Millennium Bridge (yet another great piece of architecture, towering above the river and used as a passage from White Chapel to Tate Modern. The banners were carrying the name of a formidable visionary artist who has been and still is on the top of his game. A well known individual within the beautiful world of art, hence eight huge rooms were dedicated to his paintings. Continue reading

The Beats of Antonov over the River Cam

Happy New Year!

Venue: St. Johns College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, Cambrigeshire, England.  

Snapshots from the Film

A mild night over the river Cam was made warm by Cambridge African Film Festival (CAFF). When African movies are mentioned, Sudanese films are not in contention or the most popular; not because of lack of quality, but rather poor investment, absence of infrastructure and extreme censorship over the last thirty years, all of the aforementioned reasons have hindered the production, in once a thriving industry pioneered by the later formidable cinematographer Jadallah Jubara. Almost all of the films by Sudanese movie makers are results of individual efforts and external fundings. Raising fund for a film project is not an impossible task, however, the lack of openness and close censorship by the various governmental bodies, especially when it comes to gaining permission to shoot a film makes it a task impossible; It takes the ad out of adventure! Any form of work which highlight issues such poverty, child abuse, human rights, women oppressions etc… ought to be received with objection and a possible imprisonment. 



The City of Cambridge/ CAFF

A captivating Sudanese film was featured in the CAFF 2015. It was shot in two areas in the Sudan, which are under the full control of the Sudan People Liberation Army – North, a rebel group. The film crew was given the green light to work in parts of Sudan where the people are suffering from a notorious war waged upon them by the government over the last few years. 


Beats of The Antonov

The film follows the invisible tangent between sadness and happiness while raising questions about the identity of certain individuals/ communities in the Sudan. It does reflect on the legacy of continuous war while touching on the issue of race and its direct relation to skin complexion in the Sudan, and in particular the conundrum of the center (elites) vs. everyone else (marginalised people).

The film also talks about the legitimate right of people to defend themselves by all means.

                           Survival in War Tormented Regions of Sudan

All of the aforementioned is dealt with by going back and forth between the sorrow of death/ destruction and the delight of existence of one among his/her family and loved ones. Culture and music are the pillars of the documentary, and that’s where the people of the two regions (Nuba mountains and Blue Nile State) gain their strength.

I strongly recommend it to you and to your mates.


The film was directed by Hajooj Kuka (picturedabove), starring Sudanese refugees and IDPs, and it features Sudanese artist Alsarah.

The Book of Moron – where Sudan was mentioned


A wonderful summer afternoon – Praise the Lord – was spent in central London, where the Prince of Wales theatre resides a few metres north Piccadilly Circus Tube station. In this part of the world, the sun has the ability of drawing people out of their homes into the street. Therefore the streets, little alleys nearby and roads were pact full of people. The theatre opened its door at 2:00 PM and by then people have already formed a queue, a very fine British custom, at the door of an American play. Lovers of louvers of black comedy in all of its form are aware of one infamous show which is responsible of breaking all the rules of TV in term of provocation, South Park, where no place for hiding when it comes to stereotypes, race, religion, politics, history, celebrity culture, corporations and any national – in the US, or international issues. All the aforementioned is addressed with a tongue in the cheek style from a prospective of four elementary school pupils. Another fascination aspect of the show which has helped creating a cult following worldwide is the crooked shape cartoon which has over has improved slightly over the last few years, however, the makers have avoided any over the top slick Shenanigan seen nowadays in adult cartoon shows across the zillion channels out there.
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ليليّات ود عاصمة – سبعة

ليليات ود عاصمة – سبعة


حلّت قافلة عوض تلودي جنوب كردفان، بعد رحلة عبر هليكوبتر تابعة لقوات اليوناميد، وتحديدا منطقة تلودي، مسقط راسه واسم عائلته، منطقة تلودي. تغير حالها، فقد كانت جنّة ظليلة، يتدفق إليها القاصي والداني طلباً للاستراحة والطعام الجيد والتجارة في سوقها العامر. أيضاً كانت قلباً نابضاً بالعلم والمعرفة. حيث مدرستها الإرسالية، وكانت هذه المدرسة سبب لقاء والديه (ليليّات ود عاصمة – أربعة). كانت المنطقة صغيرة، ولم تكن ذات أهمية قصوى للدولة كغيرها من قرى وحلّال الإقليم.  ازدادت أهميتها منذ عام ٢٠١١ حيث أصبحت وحدة الشرطة فيها مستودعاً لأسلحة اللجيش الحكومي، خصوصاً القذائف والقنابل المستخدمة في طائرات الأنتينوف. عليه فقد تم انشاء مربوع على بعد ٣ أميال من المدينة وأتخِذ كمطار عسكري. Continue reading

ليليات ود عاصمة – ستّة

ليليّات ود عاصمة – ستّة


في صباح اليوم الذي تلى ليلة البارحة، أفاق علاء من نومه على صوت ابن عمته الصغير يناديه بصوت فيه برأة وإلحاح “أرحكاكة الدُكان عشان انا داير اسكريم” قالها بلكنة أمدرمانية بحتة. علاء كانت مولع باللكنات المختلفة، ويميزها بسهولة. خصوصاً عند المقارنة بين الخرطوم وبحري وامدرمان لصعوبة التمييز بينها. ردّ على الصغير قائلاً: استحّم اول بعدين نمشي الدكان، طيّب؟
الصبي: كويس
قضى الليلة في بيت تلودي الكبير، أسرة والده، بعد وصول خبر موت خالة عوض تلودي تقدم نحو حوش الرجال واذا بصف أمامه يتقدمه ابناء عمّاته، حينها اثر ان يتسوك عن الماسورة الخارجية، حيث توضأ وصلى واتجه للصبي للوفاء بعهده، وعند الباب، لمحته عمته ” يا علاء عليك الله جيب عيش ولبن من الدكان، عشان الضيوف حيبدو يصلو مع وقت الفطور”
“حاضر أي حاجة تانية؟” علاء مجاوباً
العمّة: عليك الله أمشى الدكان العلى يمينك عشان عيشو كُبار، وجيب زي عشرة أكياس.
ابتسم علاء وخرج مع الصبي وسرعان ما أردفت العمة: الولد دا ما فطر ما يقوليك داير حلاوة وتشتري ليهو بالصباح دا؟
خرجا على استعجال، وبعد نصف ساعة عادا الى المنزل محمّلين، احدهما يحمل عيشاً ولبناً، والآخر يسارع بمسح ما تبقّى حول فمه من بقايا أيس كريم شُعلة. وقضى على وأهله نهارهم في إستقبال المُعزّين.
عند المساء قرر شباب البيت تغيير أجواء الحزن والخروج الى نادي ثقافي قريب من بيت المال، للترويح، حيث كانت ليلة الميكرفون المفتوح. شعر، غناء، نثر، وكل ما يخطر على البال، في حدود الأدب.
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Blogging 201- First Challenge ABC – Setting Three Goals


Please spare me the mention of SMART goals, or even better, lately I came across SMARTER goals.  Anyways, here is my humble approach in setting a simple and achievable goals – oh here I go, I have  just mentioned the A word!

My three goals are:

  1. Getting in the habit of writing / publishing post regularly.  For that I need a minimum of 3 entries each week.  I do write stories and do review events.  Therefore, I need a constant new feed for my posts.
  2. Utilising social media (twitter, facebook, blogging e.g. G+, audioboo which I have been using every day for the last 10 days to record my audio story in episodes) to share my post and at the same time to engage with other bloggers of similar interests.  I get a buzz when my stats exceeds certain number, that number shall remain in a secret safe.
  3. Reading two articles daily about a subject of interest to trigger my thoughts and in turn help myself coming with new angles for my writing.


Open Themes Group hosts The General and the Frogs in London

Open Themes Agenda hosts The General and the Frogs


the gen

A group of Sudanese activists has create a reputable forum that is been running for the last 5 years.  The forum hosts a series of topic across the cultural/political and philosophical spectra to name a few. The gathering is held every second Saturday of each month in London.  The forum is functioning under the name Open Themes Agenda Group.

On Saturday, the 15th of March 2014, the Open Themes group hosted a mini book launch event in London. “The General and the Frog” written by Dr. Mirghani Hassan,

Prior to the book presentation, Dr. Hassan introduced himself to the audience, giving a quick account about his background, childhood, family, and the coming of his book.

The main body of the presentation was about the book subject and the connection between the six friends known as Les Misérables.  Their rural backgrounds and experience of hardship were enough to draw them together under the slogan of misery, though their wit and openness were always present in most of the challenges, to maintain their smile at the face of adversity. They were eager to learn new things. Down under, each one of Les Misérables knew the purpose of being in Khartoum and they were fully aware of the weight of expectations from their families.

The extract below is quoted from the book back cover

The General and the Frogs satirizes the life of six, desperately poor and vastly motivated students at a frog-infested African campus. Their country, famously vulnerable to cyclical coup d’etat, is ruled by a dyslexic and tyrannical General. As the nation is chocking under the miasma of despotism, campus endures the theocratic chauvinism of the Islamists-controlled students’ union. In the turbulent chaos of their bubbly existence, the destitute six survive a brutal suppression of an uprising against the General and achieve academic excellence, but a gruesome murder in their social landscape casts an insufferable sense of sorrow at the end of a remarkable odyssey. This is a tale about the power of wit and humour and the triumph of the human spirit at a time lived most dangerously.

The story is a combination of vivid lines from the author’s personal experience, and that of the narrator, Abdulmoneim Ghoriech a fictional character.

Also the depiction of the dyslexic General and the reference to his big feet and shoes size (49), couldn’t be more accurate in connecting the narratives with the infamous gaffs of the Sudan’s Ruler between 1969 and 1985.

An open Q&A session followed the presentation, where the author, the host, Mr. Mohammed Mahmoud, and the audience engaged in discussion about Sudan’s current affair, the prospect of exponential fall of the current regime, what the future hold for Sudan, pessimism versus optimism, comparison between the current generation and the generation of the Les Miserable described in the book. One important point was emphasized by the author and applauded by the audience is that he was ‘against the notion of generational superiority’. He continued: ‘each era has its challenges, trials and tribulation, where the parameters may change, however, the endeavour is always highly valued during all eras.

Mirghani Hassan is a brilliant story teller, a wordsmith; his writing style is a show case for quality, flow, and rich vocabulary. It is beyond recommended. A must read!

One of many funny accounts was showing one’s having game at the lecture hall.  The students would be attending before anybody and then reserve an aisle seat hoping a female colleague would come and sit next to them.  If she walked passing the seat, awkward and buzzard gestures would follow from the fellow male colleagues to draw attention to the empty seat!

The book  is available on Amazon: The General and the Frogs 

The official book launch: mid April 2014 in London, stay tune for the exact date and venue.


Mirghani Hassan has a PhD in law from Warwick University and is currently a senior legal counsel. He has published more than a dozen short stories over the past few years. Mirghani and his wife, Sanaa Ibrahim, have two children and live in Vienna, Austria.

ليليّات ود عاصمة – خمسة

ليليّات ود عاصمة – خمسة

يا أمير مشروع الشقق السكنية دا جايب خسارة كبيرة وبقى زي البئر، كلما تخت فيه كوم تراب، يحتاج لألف زيه
قالتها أميرة السراري المديرة المالية لمجموعة السراري المالية، وشريكة شقيقها بالمناصفة حسب وصية المرحوم حاج السراري (ليليات ود عاصمة – واحد)
أمير: طيب ما ممكن نعالج الموضوع دا بأقل التكاليف خلال فترة زمنية محددة ما تتخطى شهرين؟ قالها وذاته غير مقتنعة بما أسلف
أميرة: الحل الوحيد على حسب التقارير الواردة من المبيعات والإيجارات هو انو نقفل المشروع، ودا آخر ما عندي
تعنت أمير كان لأجل سبب واحد وهو أن المشروع فكرة زوجته أكرام، وإلغاءه سوف يكدّر صفاء جو نسبي يعيشه وزوجته هذه الأيام، فهي مشغولة هذه الأيام بعودة زوجها السابق، ووالد أبنيها، عوض تلودي، عاد إلى السودان بصحبة أسرته الإنجليزية (ليليّات ود عاصمة – أثنان)

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