The Longest Running Reality Show – Sudan

The Longest Running Reality Show

Sketches are ©The Human Condition

It was started after they claimed out loud … Never Again

The world shakers and movers attain a warranty …

and in the name of saving the sacred cow, the forbidden fruit…

a decision was taken to pressurise the GNCP

and at the same time they kept a blind eye over atrocities

Khartoum elites opted for war over development

Where an open decree was issued to execute the rules of engagement

Army, police, militias, Janjaweed, rapid respond force were deployed

All of which were functioning under a provided cover by USSR war planes…

Bought by Chinese money, obtained through selling Sudanese oil, extracted from the land of the child who was killed via a missile, under the watchful eyes of ‘nations united’

Fiddlers were ordered to alter the transcripts to legitimise the reality show…

Amid the storm, Karti was still shouting ‘the show the show, it must go on in and beyond the valley…

GNCP: Genocidal National Congress Party